How to Get Gix Pack Abs With Ten Minutes of Exercise a Day

The six pack of abs could easily be called the holy grail of losing weight and looking better.  Nothing is more attractive than a cut set of abdominal muscles, and that is why everyone wants their own.  But it can be a long and difficult process to build them, especially if you don’t know the best methods of going about it.  But exercising your abs to the point of having a six pack can be as simple as doing ten minutes of exercise a day, and if you couple these tips with a good diet and some dedication, you could find yourself with a set of six pack abs sooner than you think!

how to get six pack abs

Our ten-minute exercise will consist of three different actions.

The first is the crunch.  Lay on a carpeted floor with your feet flat on the ground and your knees bent upward.  Lightly rest your hands behind your head and lift your head and shoulders up toward the ceiling.  Do not bend your waist like you would in a sit up, but rather push your shoulders straight upward.  Do as many of these as you can and then quickly transition into the next exercise.

The next exercise is the bicycle move.  You will want to stay in the same position as with the crunch, but raise your left elbow to meet your right knee, and then alternate with the remaining knee and elbow.  You should feel this in your abs.  Do as many of these bicycle moves as you can and then quickly move on to the next exercise.

Finally, move to the hanging leg bends.  For this exercise you will need some kind of pull up bar, perhaps the kind that goes over a doorframe without leaving a mark.  Grab a hold of this bar and raise your legs while bending at the waist.  For a beginner’s position, only raise your knees.  For a more advanced technique, lift your entire legs without bending your legs and with your toes pointed forward.  Now do as many of these leg bends as you can and then take a 60 second rest.

After your rest, immediately resume with more crunches and start the whole process over again.  Do three sets of these total, and that will be your ten minutes of exercise.  As you can see, it’s easy to pack a ton of work into those ten minutes, and with some persistence you’ll be in the six pack hall of fame in no time.


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