Three reasons You Might Not be Losing Weight

If you’re struggling to lose as much weight as you’d like, as many people are these days, you may be wondering why.  Perhaps by correcting a few of the mistakes you’ve made along the way you can put yourself on the path to more success.  Read on to find four the most common reasons why people aren’t losing weight.
reason you not be losing weight

Skipping breakfast

It may seem to make sense: Generally, if you eat less, you lose weight, so why not skip one meal entirely?  But the truth is that trying to lose weight by skipping breakfast can be fatal to your whole plan.  Eating breakfast in the morning gets you off to a day full of energy, and makes it easier for you to skip temptation, like those donuts in the office, that you may encounter during the course of the day.  If you eat breakfast, you’re also less likely to be starving by lunchtime, which is when you tend to overdo it by eating more than you should.

Not confronting your emotional eating

Emotional eating is a much more widespread problem than many people realize.  If you, like many of us, eat when you’re tired, or sad, or bored, or lonely, or stressed, you may have a tendency to eat according to your emotions.  This is very common, as many of us find food a comfort from the days when our parents used to prepare us food to make us feel better.  But this can be a real problem when you’re trying to lose weight.  The healthiest way to approach eating is to eat when you are hungry, and only then.  Your body will let you know when it is ready to process more food, and if you give it any more than it can handle, that food will end up as extra fat that you don’t need.

Weighing yourself too often

When undergoing a new diet or weight loss plan, many people take to tracking their progress by weighing themselves every day.  This can pose a problem to your weight loss efforts, however, because your weight can fluctuate on a given day without regard to how hard you’ve been working.  The real measure of your weight change is your average weight over a longer period of time, like several weeks.  From day to day, your weight can change a great deal due only to how much water or salt you are retaining, and this has nothing to do with real weight loss.

If you can avoid these three common errors in your own weight loss plans, you will be one step closer to real weight loss!


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